Saturday, July 14, 2018

I wonder why some people, like in the Orlando / Central Florida area, think something was wrong with my relationship.

Whizzing Through School

I read the chapters for the speech test, 3 yesterday and 5 today, though the book is like the size of half a textbook.  Now, I need to look at the notes and study guide, maybe later on reread the chapters, again.  The test is Thursday.  The next/last speech is the next Thursday.  Math is going good, and so is the new music Education class.  They will all be over I think at the end of July.

"Less Talking, More Doing" & Guess what I found out / realized ...

The goal is to have an attractive personal living area.

I was flipping through my planner and came across December and thought of winter celebrations.  It would be nice to have a spacious inhabiting area with a nice "paint job" and things in their places, not too cluttered but interesting.

My room is decorated for Miami Beach.  I wonder if I can clear the clutter.  What if I made my room cream with burgundy borders and some nice decoration to go  with it, like gold.  I've got to rearrange my room.  This is something I can do when summer school is out and fall school has not begun.

I don't really know how I can arrange my room, nicely.  Well, I can take out some bags of trash and do my laundry.  I can announce to my dad my new plans.

I have some furniture issues, too.
Don't worry, me looking more maternal than childish is not something you have to do.


This is probably with a live pit orchestra.  I miss those days.

The Jellicle Ball starts at 8:43.  It's in New Jersey, US.


This reminds me of when I did little theater, for some reason, except I didn't pursue acting.

In one video, the one with Bette Midler, the little girl in it did a combination of spinning batons and dancing and possibly in others people throw in gymnastics, not sure if this movie had any.  That reminds me of my interests as a child, doing gymnastics.  I got in ballet at 5, and I wanted to do baton at school age 7 and 8 and ended up rising to the top of the children and was Twirler of the Year at 8.

"A Chorus Line" Dance and Singing

Imagine what real classical musicians think of this.  Rather funky, tacky, and "out there."  I would focus more on the dance.  It seems like the musician reflects the musical instrument.  People who are there for what's basically more standard yet still emotional might chose violin.

This is a new favorite!

Who had to "open their big mouth?"

Supposedly, it's some "gifted" or overly obvious thing to notice I'm "not all that," like, "I mean, look!"  "Make sure an older lady Christina likes stuff from us like she needs us like that and get into Christina's personal life and begin to interrogate; ..I think she feels something!  Let's turn her into 'a case.'"
I don't feel like doing anything because my parents are around.
I thought things were okay, without me.
I don't matter.
Well, guess that's it!
I feel a bit tired and may go back to bed, usually do, wake up like a slug later tho.
People keep going by like I think I deserve bad things, and they want to bring out the truth I am avoiding.
I disagree with a lot of the hype being about people my age acting goofy for me.
It's like a colony was made to propel my problems when I'm not there to stop them.
I tried not talking about some things I disagree with.

My life is "on the line."  I am living like I agree with things that are bad for me.  People just keep going by, thinking that.  They think I think that, but they think I should go make the difference and say something good concerning the truth, online.
Maybe I "grew up" faster, in a way, after all.
So, when one generation is gone, that cancels out some of the younger ones but not all, just certain ones?
Who has opportunity?
So, what does that make you, "scummy?"
That's gay.
People think I am gay because I am happy and think it has to do with my dad's birth year being 1950.
I'm supposed to feel bad about myself.  I feel bad about others.
Some people are tuned in to see "what's next."
I don't even matter.

Over and Above

They have to be okay.
The abysmal abyss.

I thought it was safe.

Then, I'd be okay.