As a hapa or Eurasian, I see Southern Europeans as white Europeans. I even see Middle Easterners as Caucasians. They look white and act white and have fair features. Black people look very different. It seems that having black skin is the dividing feature. Arabs can look European, for instance, just with dark hair and sometimes white skin. Blacks have the most problems passing as white. Other races can get by. However, Asians are like Northern Europeans in their own way in that they are not as rough. They seem different racially, but I'm focusing on racial mixes. I haven't met too many Eurasians who seem happy, though.
Here's a half Russian half Chinese, guess she looks happy for a Eurasian and whiter than the others. I saw another half Russian half Chinese who looked more European.
(image credit)
I've felt discrimination for not being mostly 1/2 German or something, myself. The ancestry tests all gave me different results. It looks pretty funny, I have a pretty good Asian mom, and I see all these hot, younger-looking guys with Asian wives who look like they have more problems physically. I know Filipinos have European culture to a degree from the Spanish, which actually Asians are older than Southern Europeans as a race. Maybe, most of my mom's line has a lot of Dutch influence from Indonesia for hundreds of years. My dad was into martial arts as an adult, but I don't know if we are that compatible. Ever since we moved to Central Florida, he's been onto me, and I have to stay away. He used to not be as rough about his race and acted like he liked Asian things, philosophically, though no one made him be that way. It's funny when people act like I'm not as white as my parents. That's messed up. People in Central Florida are like that. They don't really think that, but they figure it to be that way, consistently I feel. Actually, I feel others think so, too.
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