Monday, July 30, 2018

This was on Music Choice on a Jazz channel.

So, pretty much, things got worse and people acted like just had our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) and that was enough.
In the end, it didn't improve our lives, it distracted and detracted from it.

It was all about people who didn't do what they were supposed to.
It made me lonely.
I disagree with how Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) ruined the world and raised adults over children, the Late Boomers over Generation X.
Why does anyone feel they have authority.  Central Florida is so stupid, overall, "sad to say."  People I know mimic that way, too, "sad to say."  Can you believe it?  How egotistical in a barren world.
But it wasn't like this originally?
Why are they telling me not to feel good but encourage others?
People keep trying to make me uncomfortable about my private life but encourage the older lady to feel important.
...but I know people have something against me that shouldn't be there and that's why.
Are things better?  It seems cleaner.  It is strange how she stuck out to others over other people.  I know I stick out but was not originally popular.  Maybe, people think I am a magnet.  It certainly is a big thing, like people said she "has" to be like she's me instead but get it even better, like the world woke up; why does it involve hurting me and having me in more and more pretend trouble?
So, if the older lady I like was already doing "these things" and okay, why are people interjecting themselves?  It seems like others are listening.
It seems like secret operation undercover to answer everyone's problems by having me suffer.

I wonder which looks more like me...

girl from a suburb in the 1950s or 1960s

mother from NYC area in the 1960s

We need to clean up today's youth.

My relatives on my dad's side are mostly originated from Pennsylvania and New York state.  I think it looks like my mom is younger than the little girl.
So, only be jealous if it's something I could have.
Some things really are just stupid.
Shouldn't it be like "oh no" an older lady I like is "gone viral?"  Immediately?  It is a real issue, I mean, not that I'm "worried."