Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Whose idea was it just to sit there and correct me like I thought off when they observe me and do strange things?  Like, I'm not "meeting real people."  What are they, aliens?  Is this how you wish to be treated?  I think so, according to most people.  Their parents made them want this.

I am losing things, and it makes me sad, like nothing really matters about me, literally in deed and not just sentiment.  I know, people think the problems they give me in my otherwise good relationships are okay.  What if people just want to be nice to me but really don't like me, like in a concrete way.  They are just giving me false illusions and diverting me.  I'm sorta starting something new, in saying this, but have no problems with what certain people want or don't want with me in "relationships."  That's their right.  Other people don't have the right to single me out as a joke.  I'm a little confused because I thought I was okay with someone, but now I'm not, like that could be possible, because it happens to all my relationships too.  It's like I could have been happy, but something happened and people had already ruined it.

So, supposedly, I can be happy, but not with people messing up the truth in my "relationships."

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